NOVA CASA ATLANTICA S. COOP. GALEGA, as responsible for this Website and in accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, Protection of Personal Data (LOPD) and Law 34/2002, of December 11, julio, of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), has put into practice those policies, means and technical and organizational procedures to guarantee and protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the personal data of its users . These data will be processed in a file/s duly registered with the Spanish Agency for Data Protection, in accordance with the provisions of current legislation.
In the event that the data to be provided by the User were necessary so that the NOVA CASA ATLANTICA S. COOP. GALEGA team could I) respond to queries, provide information required by the User; II) carry out all those services and/or products contracted or subscribed by the User; III) provide access to the User to certain functionalities of the Website; or IV) carry out all those activities of NOVA CASA ATLANTICA S. COOP. GALEGA hereby reviewed, NOVA CASA ATLANTICA S. COOP. GALEGA will inform the User of said obligation, indicating what data is necessary to complete. By indicating, facilitating or introducing said data and in accordance with the provisions of article 6 of the L.O.P.D., the User grants unequivocal consent to NOVA CASA ATLANTICA S. COOP. GALEGA to proceed with the processing of the data provided for the purposes mentioned above as well as well as for the eventual sending of commercial communications from NOVA CASA ATLANTICA S. COOP. GALEGA that may be of interest to the user.
The entity responsible for the database, as well as those involved in any phase of the treatment and/or the entities to which they have been communicated -if applicable and by virtue of the corresponding authorization granted by the User-, are obliged to observe professional secrecy and adopt the levels of protection and the necessary technical and organizational measures within their reach that guarantee the security of personal data, avoiding, as far as possible, unauthorized access, illegal modifications, thefts and/or or the loss of data, in order to ensure the corresponding level of security for the files of NOVA CASA ATLANTICA S. COOP. GALEGA, according to the nature and sensitivity of the data provided by the users of this Website. Likewise, NOVA CASA ATLANTICA S. COOP. GALEGA undertakes to have implemented the corresponding security measures by virtue of the provisions of the Regulation of Measures (R.D. 1720/2007).
Users have recognized by the indicated Organic Law on Data Protection the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition and, where appropriate, the right to revoke at any time the consent given to the receipt of commercial communications by sending email email to or letter to Rúa Cooperativa 14 Bajo, 36800 Redondela.