The Galician Entroido, Much More Than a Carnival

The Entroido, an ancestral carnival, dates back centuries. This pagan celebration marked the farewell to the cold winter days.

(Felós of Maceda, Ourense. Photo: Carlos Ximenez)

When Christianity arrived, it blended with the tradition of saying goodbye to meat before the abstinence of Lent. “O Entroido” represents subversion, the breaking of social conventions, and the reversal of roles. During these days, people eat, drink, and sing. They laugh at the most sacred things and can break established rules.

(Felós of Maceda, Ourense. Photo: Carlos Ximenez)

When Christianity arrived, it blended with the tradition of saying goodbye to meat before the abstinence of Lent. “O Entroido” represents subversion, the breaking of social conventions, and the reversal of roles. During these days, people eat, drink, and sing. They laugh at the most sacred things and can break established rules.

Although it is also celebrated in other regions of northern Spain, the most popular and well-attended Entroido takes place in Galicia. In fact, Galicia was one of the few regions in Spain that continued to celebrate carnival despite its prohibition during the dictatorship. Today, these celebrations are officially recognized as festivals of tourist interest.

(Boteiro of the Galician Entroido, Viana do Bolo. Photo: Carlos Ximenez)

(Boteiro of the Galician Entroido, Viana do Bolo. Photo: Carlos Ximenez)

Although it is also celebrated in other regions of northern Spain, the most popular and well-attended Entroido takes place in Galicia. In fact, Galicia was one of the few regions in Spain that continued to celebrate carnival despite its prohibition during the dictatorship. Today, these celebrations are officially recognized as festivals of tourist interest.

(Boteiro of the Entroido in Vilariño de Conso, Ourense. Photo: Carlos Ximenez)

The Entroido is one of the most important festivals of the year in Galicia, and each town has its own characters: Os Peliqueiros of Laza, Os Cigarróns of Verín, As Pantallas of Xinzo de Limia, Os Xenerais do Ulla, Os Boteiros of Viana do Bolo, Os Volantes of Chantada, Os Merdeiros of Vigo, As Madamas e Galáns of Cobres, O Oso of Salcedo, Os Felos of Maceda, Os Vellaróns of Castrelo de Cima, As Máscaras of Manzaneda, to name a few.

(Boteiro of the Entroido in Vilariño de Conso, Ourense. Photo: Carlos Ximenez)

The Entroido is one of the most important festivals of the year in Galicia, and each town has its own characters: Os Peliqueiros of Laza, Os Cigarróns of Verín, As Pantallas of Xinzo de Limia, Os Xenerais do Ulla, Os Boteiros of Viana do Bolo, Os Volantes of Chantada, Os Merdeiros of Vigo, As Madamas e Galáns of Cobres, O Oso of Salcedo, Os Felos of Maceda, Os Vellaróns of Castrelo de Cima, As Máscaras of Manzaneda, to name a few.

All costumes and masks are handcrafted by local artisans. The richly decorated costumes are often passed down from generation to generation. In Xinzo de Limia, you can visit the Galician Entroido Museum, which collects and exhibits costumes from different municipalities.

(Entroido Riberao Mask. Photo: Carlos Ximenez)

(Entroido Riberao Mask. Photo: Carlos Ximenez)

All costumes and masks are handcrafted by local artisans. The richly decorated costumes are often passed down from generation to generation. In Xinzo de Limia, you can visit the Galician Entroido Museum, which collects and exhibits costumes from different municipalities.

(Boteiros of the Entroido in Vilariño de Conso, Ourense. Photo: Carlos Ximenez)

Carnival-like celebrations with unique characters and legends can be found in many countries and cultures worldwide. Despite the distance, some share many common elements with the Entroidos of the Iberian Peninsula.

(Boteiros of the Entroido in Vilariño de Conso, Ourense. Photo: Carlos Ximenez)

Carnival-like celebrations with unique characters and legends can be found in many countries and cultures worldwide. Despite the distance, some share many common elements with the Entroidos of the Iberian Peninsula.

In 2017, we attended the Entroido and met Paco Diéguez Blanco, a mask artisan from Matamá. We visited his workshop, where he carves and sculpts the wood, while his daughter paints the masks. It was a wonderful experience and an honor to meet him.

In 2017, we attended the Entroido and met Paco Diéguez Blanco, a mask artisan from Matamá. We visited his workshop, where he carves and sculpts the wood, while his daughter paints the masks. It was a wonderful experience and an honor to meet him.

One of our favorite photographers of the Iberian Entroidos is Carlos Ximenez. We have been following his work for many years, and his photographs illustrate this post.

One of our favorite photographers of the Iberian Entroidos is Carlos Ximenez. We have been following his work for many years, and his photographs illustrate this post.